TEA Tool

Techno-Economic Assessment (TEA) Tool
Cash Flow Analytics Tool
The Cash Flow Analytics Tool, in particular, should be treated as such. This tool is only as useful as the data input into it. Therefore, it is felt that the best way to make use of it is to use it to compare different scenarios. One scenario should be used as a baseline and then others will see changes made allowing for a change in the output. In other words, it can be used to see what kind of impact making changes to different aspects of a planned project can make to the long term financial viability. For example, if you change one aspect of your financing such as the method of payment from a single capital expenditure to a loan with interest on repayments, the timeline of repayment is likely to extend.
Supply Chain Comparison Matrix
The Supply Chain Comparison Matrix should also be used comparatively and it should be recognised that many of the answers are subjective and based on educated opinion. But again the real value is in using the tool in a comparative fashion. This will allow you to make tweaks and adjustments to the project plan and get a sense of how these will impact the outcomes.
For this Finnish case study we have used the specific case study example as a baseline and then made tweaks to that as set out in the descriptions to see what impact, if any, could occur from these changes and whether they may make the project more or less affordable, or the supply chain more or less sustainable. Several assumptions, predictions and suppositions have been used to find figures to feed into the model.
Once again, the tools should only be considered as an indicative suggestion and, if a positive outcome is suggested, then a full feasibility study should be considered.