The Environmental Research Institute (ERI) is part of North Highland College UHI, which is one of 13 partners in the University of the Highlands and Islands. The ERI is a centre of aspiration that seeks to be internationally recognised for distinctive and innovative environmental science. The mission of ERI is to address contemporary environmental issues and advance understanding of the sustainable use of the Earth’s natural resources. ERI aspire towards dynamic leadership through excellence in scientific research, innovation and education.

The ERI is located close to many of Scotland’s outstanding wind, wave and tidal energy resources and has capitalised on this proximity to build research capability across a wide variety of renewable energy technologies. As well as developing and disseminating environmental knowledge, ERI also aim to promote understanding of closely coupled social and economic issues relating to redevelopment of the region. This will assist in establishing sustainable industries sympathetic to the region’s environments, communities and economies.
ERI is the lead partner institution in the HUGE project. ERI has a proven track record of successful involvement in, and management of EU co-financed projects. ERI wishes to leave a legacy of open source research and development to improve lives and socioeconomics of the Highlands and Islands. The outputs of the HUGE project will bring about positive developments in all of the partner regions to the project.