Action Renewables is a private company, limited by guarantee and with charitable status. We currently have a team of 26 staff and operate from Belfast throughout Northern Ireland, the rest of the UK, Ireland, and in Europe. We are widely recognised as the foremost authority on renewable energy in Northern Ireland. Action Renewables works directly with those who are actively seeking to install renewable technologies both at the largest scale – developers of wind farms, solar, biomass and other major infrastructure projects, and those who wish to install on the smallest scale, for example on a new build or existing dwelling. This involves Action Renewables in a detailed interaction with a full range of parties including developers, constructors, consultants, installers, customers, suppliers and the various bodies such as planners and building control officers who work to bring these applications forward daily. It is clearly essential that we continue our on-going work to remove the barriers that hinder the rate of renewable energy penetration. Our Vision is ‘to help create a Northern Ireland which recognises the serious impacts of climate change, and which will take measures to prevent and mitigate against those impacts through using renewable energy, energy efficiency, renewable transport and renewable products’.